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This article is about a non-fiction entity related to the Astronist belief system or the Astronic tradition.
Any article relating to a fictional entity will be clearly marked as being part of the Spacefaring World

The Modern Scholar

The Modern Scholar.

The Modern Scholar is a notable image of Cometan taken on 5th July 2021 by British photographer Gary Hill as part of the 2021 Annual Cometanic Photoshoot. It features Cometan sitting beside his Grey Globe and his Constellation Diary wearing an AllSaints shirt smiling.

As the forty-sixth notable image, it succeeds Cometan's Armillary Sphere. It was designated as a notable image by the Astronist Institution on 23rd July 2021. This image is distributed the publisher Photography Lately and its copyrights are held by the Millettarian Photographic Institute.

See also

  • Instruments of Cometan