
The Book Cover for the Original Cometanic Edition of The Omnidoxy, published in 2019/20.

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The Omnidoxy (literally meaning "knowledge of all things", or "knowledge for all"; also spelt Omnidoxi, Omnidoxí, Omnidoxa or Omnidoksi) is the primary philosophical treatise within The Grand Centrality and the founding text of Astronism. The authorship of The Omnidoxy rests in monauthoriality with Cometan who began writing the Omnidoxy at the age of seventeen through a series of personal inspirations that lasted a total of six years. By its completion, the Omnidoxy extended to over 1.25 million words in total length and remains a principal work of Astronic literature.

Partitioned according to twelve disquisitions which are further divided into hundreds of discourses, the titles of which are known as rubrals, The Omnidoxy is codified according to a unique writing structure known as insentence.

The Omnidoxy remains the principal book contributing to the founding of the Millettarian philosophical tradition and was the first text to introduce the concept of cosmocentricity, as well as the introducer of hundreds of belief orientations, schools of thought, and disciplines of study along with thousands of concepts and notions that subsequently formed the basis of The Philosophy of Millettism.

The discipline of study known as omnidoxicology relates to the formal academic study and contemplation of The Omnidoxy by philosophers, scholars, and academics while that which is known as omnidoxical studies refers to the study of The Omnidoxy by ordinary people.

The historical origination of The Omnidoxy rests in its authorship by Brandon Taylorian during early 21st century England, specifically in the northern county of Lancashire. Like in all textual criticism, the timing and location of the codification of The Omnidoxy is integral to understanding why and how it was written, especially by considering the influential factors impacting Taylorian during his construction of the text, particularly the cultural, political, religious, and social contexts of Taylorian's personal life and of wider society at the time. This forms an important branch of study within omnidoxicology known as omnidoxical criticism, or omnidoxical exegesis in which scholars study and investigate The Omnidoxy in order to discern conclusive judgements inspired by how, where, why, by whom, for whom, and in what circumstances The Omnidoxy was written.

Etymology and meaning

The term "omnidoxy" originates from the founding of The Philosophy of Millettism and combines the prefix "omni-" meaning all, or of all things, and the suffix of "-doxy" which, in a Millettarian terminological context, refers to knowledge imparted through written means.

Combining this prefix and suffix, the term "omnidoxy" is formed and therefore means all knowledge, or knowledge of all things, imparted through a treatise. Essentially, the "omni-" element of the appellation refers to the encompassing nature of the text while the "-doxy" element refers to the text's educative and imparting personality.

The Twelve Grand Disquisitions

The Monodoxy

The Monodoxy, as the first of the twelve disquisitions of The Omnidoxy, encompasses the inclusive discipline of compendology and shares the appellation of The Principles of The Aesthetic Cosmos.

The Duodoxy

The Duodoxy is the second disquisition of the twelve which constitute the Omnidoxy and encompasses the inclusive discipline of sanitology. The Duodoxy's subtitle is known as The Principles of The Logical Cosmos and remains the largest disquisition of the Omnidoxy.

The Tridoxy

The Tridoxy is the third disquisition of the Omnidoxy and the smallest out of all the disquisitions and is associated with the inclusive discipline of abettology. Its subtitle is known as The Principles of Aid & Stewardship.

The Tetradoxy

The Tetradoxy is the fourth disquisition out of a total of twelve which comprise the Omnidoxy and is the disquisition which deals with the process of extollation and list the extollants of Astronism. Its subtitle is known as The Principles of Justice & Patience. The inclusive discipline associated with this disquisition is equitology.

The Pentadoxy

The Pentadoxy is the fifth disquisition of the Omnidoxy and one of the most extensive for the introduction of new terms and concepts by addressing a wide scope of topics. The subtitle for this disquisition is The Principles of Ambition & Enlightenment and its associated inclusive discipline is xentology.

The Hexadoxy

The Hexadoxy is the sixth disquisition comprising the Omnidoxy and is the disquisition which introduces the Astronist approach to the major philosophical discipline of ontology. The subtitle for this disquisition is The Principles of Ontology & Perception and its associated inclusive discipline is ghenology.

The Septidoxy

The Septidoxy is the seventh disquisition of the Omnidoxy and one of the most pivotal due to the topic it addresses; space exploration, which remains central to the beliefs and theme of the whole of Astronism. The subtitle for this disquisition is The Principles of Cosmic Exploration and its associated inclusive discipline is expology.

The Octadoxy

The Octadoxy is the eighth disquisition of the Omnidoxy with its associated inclusive discipline being rhemnology and its subtitle being The Principles of Advancement & Eschatology. This disquisition introduces the Astronist eschatology and explores the practices and beliefs surrounding death, the afterlife, and humanity's destiny.

The Nonodoxy

The Nonodoxy is the ninth disquisition of the Omnidoxy and is the disquisition which introduces the Astronist approach to both ethics and epistemology with the inclusive discipline of contology. The subtitle for this disquisition is The Principles of Epistemology & Ethics.

The Decadoxy

The Decadoxy is the tenth disquisition of the Omnidoxy and the disquisition which is subtitled The Principles of Space & Time and is associated with the inclusive discipline of durantology.

The Hendecadoxy

The Hendecadoxy is the eleventh and penultimate disquisition of the Omnidoxy and is tied to the inclusive discipline of quillitology. The Hendecadoxy's subtitle is The Principles of Peace & Acceptance and may also be simply referred to as The Penultimation.

The Dodecadoxy

The Dodecadoxy, also referred to as The Ultimation, is the twelfth and final disquisition of the Omnidoxy and is tied to the inclusive discipline of prerology. Prerological study focuses on the topics of freedom and imagination, hence the subtitle for this disquisition is The Principles of Imagination & Freedom and addresses a wide range of topics including the nature of cometanhood, and the importance of freedom to the Astronist theology. This disquisition also introduces mystology as well as listing all the major quotes attributed to Cometan.
