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The Book Cover for the Original Cometanic Edition of The Omnidoxy, published in 2019/20.

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The Omnidoxy (meaning "knowledge of all things", or "knowledge for all"; also spelt Omnidoxi, Omnidoxí, Omnidoxa or Omnidoksi; Chinese: 全经; pinyin: Quánjīng), also known in colloquial dialogue as the book of Astronism, and formerly known as The Grand Centrality, is an extensive philosophical and religious treatise which became the founding text of the organised philosophy of Astronism.

The authorship of The Omnidoxy rests in monauthoriality with Cometan who began writing the Omnidoxy at the age of seventeen through a series of personal inspirations that lasted a total of seven years forming an era known as The Founding of Astronism. By its completion, the Omnidoxy extended to over 2 million words in total length and remains a principal work of Astronic literature.

Partitioned according to twelve disquisitions which are further divided into hundreds of discourses, the titles of which are known as rubrals, The Omnidoxy is codified according to a unique writing structure known as insentence.

The Omnidoxy remains the principal book contributing to the founding of the Millettarian philosophical tradition and was the first text to introduce the concept of cosmocentricity, as well as the introducer of hundreds of belief orientations, schools of thought, and disciplines of study along with thousands of concepts and notions that subsequently formed the basis of The Philosophy of Millettism.

The discipline of study known as omnidoxicology relates to the formal academic study and contemplation of The Omnidoxy by philosophers, scholars, and academics while that which is known as omnidoxical studies refers to the study of The Omnidoxy by ordinary people.

The historical origination of The Omnidoxy rests in its authorship by Brandon Taylorian during early 21st century England, specifically in the northern county of Lancashire. Like in all textual criticism, the timing and location of the codification of The Omnidoxy is integral to understanding why and how it was written, especially by considering the influential factors impacting Taylorian during his construction of the text, particularly the cultural, political, religious, and social contexts of Taylorian's personal life and of wider society at the time. This forms an important branch of study within omnidoxicology known as omnidoxical criticism, or omnidoxical exegesis in which scholars study and investigate The Omnidoxy in order to discern conclusive judgements inspired by how, where, why, by whom, for whom, and in what circumstances The Omnidoxy was written.

Etymology and meaning

Main article: Etymology of the Omnidoxy

The term "omnidoxy" originates from the founding of The Philosophy of Millettism and combines the prefix "omni-" meaning all, or of all things, and the suffix of "-doxy" which, in a Millettarian terminological context, refers to knowledge imparted through written means.

Combining this prefix and suffix, the term "omnidoxy" is formed and therefore means all knowledge, or knowledge of all things, imparted through a treatise. Essentially, the "omni-" element of the appellation refers to the encompassing nature of the text while the "-doxy" element refers to the text's educative and imparting personality.

Appellation history

The Omnidoxy's original title was The Grand Centrality of The Philosophy of Millettism which was to be the twelfth and ultimate document forming The Twelve Grand Works which is a term part of Millettarian literature denoting twelve documents written by Cometan to form the foundations of Millettarian culture.

The name Grand Centrality was eventually switched for the sleeker name of the Omnidoxy as part of the transition from the dominance of Millettarian ideas to those of a most Astronist nature and character. Essentially, the emergence of the Omnidoxy was a result of the astronisation of the text. It was believed that the singular name of the Omnidoxy would be both memorable and its etymology more relatable and understandable than that of its former title.

Appellation translations

Main article: List of appellational translations of the Omnidoxy

Due to the extensive translations of the Omnidoxy that have been underway since the text's inception, there have emerged a long series of translations for the name of the Omnidoxy. This is part of the process of the universalisation of the Omnidoxy text to suit and become accustomed to all cultures and languages whilst still retaining its original etymology and meaning.


The Omnidoxy is unique from other religious founding texts as firstly, it was created over a very short period of just five years despite its enormity over other religious texts, and secondly, it was created by a single individual rather than coming about via collaboration by different writers.

Whether these aspects of the Omnidoxy's development strengthen or weaken its case as being a solemn text remains up for debate. However, gaining an understanding of how the Omnidoxy did historically developed will inevitably allow for a greater understanding of the belief system that emerged from it; namely, Astronism.


Main article: Authorship of the Omnidoxy

The authorship of the Omnidoxy rests with the single individual of Brandon Taylorian, in particular that which is referred to as the personage of Cometan, the portion of Brandon Taylorian's being that was chosen and provided the preternatural abilities and insights to form a two million word book alone between the ages of seventeen and twenty-two.

Due to the recency of the Omnidoxy's formation, it can verifiably be stated that Cometan is the undisputed author of the text and that it was developed over the course of five years during Cometan's adolescence and that it includes an enormous amount of words, beliefs, concepts, and notions that are completely unique.


Main article: Preternaturalism

In the context of the Omnidoxy, preternaturalism refers to the belief that Cometan was provided with preternatural abilities (not to be confused with supernatural or divine abilities) as a result of his chosenness to found Astronism in the right place and in exactly the right time in human history.

Preternaturalism emerged towards the end of the era of The Founding of Astronism due to largely to reflections that were made on the enormity, complexity, and profundity of the Omnidoxy. It is for this reason that the Omnidoxy is considered to be the principal demonstrator of Cometan's preternaturality and that allow the text was not divinely revealed as other religious texts have claimed, that its Cometanic origins are of a abnormal nature especially in comparison to the abilities of others.

Textual structure

The Omnidoxy is structured on the most basic level into three major parts including firstly the Preppendix, secondly the Twelve Grand Disquisitions, and thirdly the Appendix. It is the Twelve Grand Disquisitions that are provided with the most importance as they form the majority of the text and also refer to the founding of Astronism specifically. It is within these three disquisitions that the philosophical and theological writings of Cometan are principally found.


Main article: Disquisition

In the Omnidoxy, a disquisition is comprised of a series of discourses of varying lengths and is the principal organising element of the Twelve Grand Disquisitions. Each disquisition, categorised as a type of book called a doxy, is ascribed with a collection of topics under a common theme.

For example, the sixth disquisition of the Omnidoxy, called the Hexadoxy, is assigned the related topics of ontology and perception. As a direct result of this, each disquisition is also attributed with what is known as an inclusive discipline. These are areas of study that combined and encompassing a vast array of disciplines of study and there exists twelve inclusive disciplines within Astronism for each of the disquisitions of the Omnidoxy.


Main article: Discourse

A discourse is the second major organising apparatus used in the Omnidoxy. Each discourse is categorised as part of a disquisition and is made up of insentensations, which is a term for the type of sentences that are used in the Omnidoxy.

Discourses are essential for the structure of the Omnidoxy to take form as they allow pieces of writing to be broken down into specific topics. Each discourse is provided with what is known as a rubral which is a title that is ascribed to a discourse that allows readers to understand the general theme and tone of that discourse. If a discourse is published separately from the Omnidoxy then this is referred to as being a type of book called a rubron.

Discourses can be categorised according to two different variables, the first of which being the discourse length and the second of which being the content and form of the discourse. Within both of these categories there exists subcategories that relate to different types of discourses and allow each to be labeled and organised according to the common variable they share.

The lengths of discourses vary greatly in the Omnidoxy hence why the variable of length is used to compare them. As a result, subcategories of discourse have emerged that label discourses according to this variable. The first of these is known as a microdiscourse which is a discourse that is less than ten insentensations long. The second subcategory is a pardiscourse which is a discourse that is between eleven and one hundred insentensations long. The third subcategory is a hyperdiscourse which is a discourse that is between one-hundred and one and a thousand insentensations in total length while a megadiscourse is any discourse that is over a thousand insentensations long.

The form and content variable for discourse categorisation has created several subcategories which includes those labeled as standard discourses, centrality discourses, incentrality discourses, philosophy discourses, introductory discourses, conclusatory discourses, and subdiscourses.


Main article: Insentensation

An insentensation is a type of sentence that is used throughout the Omnidoxy, particularly during the Twelve Grand Disquisitions. An insentensation is distinguished from a normal sentence by the fact that an insentensation itself acts as a paragraph.


Main article: Indexment

There has been a tradition of indexation of the contents within the Omnidoxy from the early days of the inception of the text particularly as it reached around 200,000 words. At that point, Cometan is remembered to have decided to create a indexing system that would be unique to the Omnidoxy and would allow readers to more easily pinpoint particular insentensations and to more easily navigate the enormous document. This gave birth to the indexation system which Cometan titled indexment.


Main article: Segment

A segment is the main organisational apparatus used in the Peripheral Omnidoxy to distinguish between different parts, for example, the Astronicon in the Preppendix and The Grand Lexicon of Astronology in the Appendix are both classified and referred to as segments.

Astronist canon

Main article: Canon of Astronism

The Astronist canon, or the canon of Astronism, is the collection of books, documents and other texts which are categorised into an elite group sanctionable only by The Institution of The Philosophy of Millettism and can be said to form the recognised creed of the organised philosophy. Presently, only the Omnidoxy is classified as being part of the Canon of Astronism.

Twelve Grand Disquisitions

Main article: Twelve Grand Disquisitions, Core Omnidoxy

The Twelve Grand Disquisitions comprise a major portion of the entire Omnidoxy and remain central to the foundations of Astronism. They form what is known as Core Omnidoxy in contrast to Peripheral Omnidoxy and include the majority of philosophical and theological writings of Cometan which came to found Astronism. Each of the twelve disquisitions are of varying lengths in words and insentensations as well as in the number of discourse that comprise them.

The Monodoxy

Main article: Monodoxy

The Monodoxy, as the first of the twelve disquisitions of The Omnidoxy, encompasses the inclusive discipline of compendology and shares the appellation of The Principles of The Aesthetic Cosmos.

The Duodoxy

Main article: Duodoxy

The Duodoxy is the second disquisition of the twelve which constitute the Omnidoxy and encompasses the inclusive discipline of sanitology. The Duodoxy's subtitle is known as The Principles of The Logical Cosmos and remains the largest disquisition of the Omnidoxy.

The Tridoxy

Main article: Tridoxy

The Tridoxy is the third disquisition of the Omnidoxy and the smallest out of all the disquisitions and is associated with the inclusive discipline of abettology. Its subtitle is known as The Principles of Aid & Stewardship.

The Tetradoxy

Main article: Tetradoxy

The Tetradoxy is the fourth disquisition out of a total of twelve which comprise the Omnidoxy and is the disquisition which deals with the process of extollation and list the extollants of Astronism. Its subtitle is known as The Principles of Justice & Patience. The inclusive discipline associated with this disquisition is equitology.

The Pentadoxy

Main article: Pentadoxy

The Pentadoxy is the fifth disquisition of the Omnidoxy and one of the most extensive for the introduction of new terms and concepts by addressing a wide scope of topics. The subtitle for this disquisition is The Principles of Ambition & Enlightenment and its associated inclusive discipline is xentology.

The Hexadoxy

Main article: Hexadoxy

The Hexadoxy is the sixth disquisition comprising the Omnidoxy and is the disquisition which introduces the Astronist approach to the major philosophical discipline of ontology. The subtitle for this disquisition is The Principles of Ontology & Perception and its associated inclusive discipline is ghenology.

The Septidoxy

Main article: Septidoxy

The Septidoxy is the seventh disquisition of the Omnidoxy and one of the most pivotal due to the topic it addresses; space exploration, which remains central to the beliefs and theme of the whole of Astronism. The subtitle for this disquisition is The Principles of Cosmic Exploration and its associated inclusive discipline is expology.

The Octadoxy

Main article: Octadoxy

The Octadoxy is the eighth disquisition of the Omnidoxy with its associated inclusive discipline being rhemnology and its subtitle being The Principles of Advancement & Eschatology. This disquisition introduces the Astronist eschatology and explores the practices and beliefs surrounding death, the afterlife, and humanity's destiny.

The Nonodoxy

Main article: Nonodoxy

The Nonodoxy is the ninth disquisition of the Omnidoxy and is the disquisition which introduces the Astronist approach to both ethics and epistemology with the inclusive discipline of contology. The subtitle for this disquisition is The Principles of Epistemology & Ethics.

The Decadoxy

Main article: Decadoxy

The Decadoxy is the tenth disquisition of the Omnidoxy and the disquisition which is subtitled The Principles of Space & Time and is associated with the inclusive discipline of durantology.

The Hendecadoxy

Main article: Hendecadoxy

The Hendecadoxy is the eleventh and penultimate disquisition of the Omnidoxy and is tied to the inclusive discipline of quillitology. The Hendecadoxy's subtitle is The Principles of Peace & Acceptance and may also be simply referred to as The Penultimation.

The Dodecadoxy

Main article: Dodecadoxy

The Dodecadoxy, also referred to as The Ultimation, is the twelfth and final disquisition of the Omnidoxy and is tied to the inclusive discipline of prerology. Prerological study focuses on the topics of freedom and imagination, hence the subtitle for this disquisition is The Principles of Imagination & Freedom and addresses a wide range of topics including the nature of cometanhood, and the importance of freedom to the Astronist theology. This disquisition also introduces mystology as well as listing all the major quotes attributed to Cometan.

Non-disquisitional sections

Main article: Peripheral Omnidoxy

The Peripheral Omnidoxy comprises sections of the Omnidoxy which are not included as part of the Twelve Grand Disquisitions and for this reason, these sections may also be referred to as non-disquisitional. Peripheral Omnidoxy is an appellation that collectivises both the Preppendix and the Appendix of the Omnidoxy in order to contrast these with Core Omnidoxy, namely the Twelve Grand Disquisitions. Although just as significant in length, the Peripheral Omnidoxy is considered inferior to the Core Omnidoxy.

Content, role and function

Functionality and role

The functionality and role of the Omnidoxy involves various concepts and beliefs regarding the role, identity, and utility of the Omnidoxy in relation to Astronism.


The nature of the Omnidoxy is an aspect of the study of the Omnidoxy pertaining to the text's overall designation, especially whether it should be described as religious, philosophical, ideological or theological text. As well as this, the study of the nature of the Omnidoxy involves questioning the historicity of the origins of the text in addition to

Reading and writing styles

Main articles: Omnidoxical readability and Writing styles of the Omnidoxy

In a post-omnidoxical setting, three primary writing styles have been identified as having been utilised in the writing of the Omnidoxy, each of which with their own characteristics and benefits of usage. These writings styles include the following:

Furthermore, there are various ways in which a reader may engage with the Omnidoxy and there exists several styles of interaction, some of which include:


Main article: Omnidoxical fallibility

The fallibility of the Omnidoxy involves notions that the text had tendencies to consist of mistakes, whether these be scientific or grammatical errors, especially in its Original Cometanic edition. Another aspect to the fallibility of the Omnidoxy can be considered as an extension of the study of the nature of the text and its origins and comes in the form of whether sole authorship and preternatural origins of the treatise support or contradict its claim of fallibility.

It is important to note that Cometan proclaimed fallibility when writing the Omnidoxy which is unlike in many other religions in which a proclamation of infallibility is more common. This set aside the Omnidoxy into a new class of religious text that doesn't see themselves and nor do those whom believe in its words and follow its teachings consider it to be without fault or in need of improvement and update. This aspect to the nature of the Omnidoxy connection to the wider nature of Astronism as existing in a state of motionality.

Editions and translations

Main article: List of specific editions of the Omnidoxy, List of types of editions of the Omnidoxy

As is similar in the case of many other religious texts, the Omnidoxy has received a multitude of translations and new editions that have changed wording which leaves the possibility of their being a change in meaning and interpretation of the text.

The Original Cometanic Edition of the Omnidoxy is the commercial appellation for the first unaltered edition of the Omnidoxy that was authored and edited solely by Cometan and published by The Institution of The Philosophy of Millettism and the only original copy of which is still held by The Institution.

Categories of editions

With the development of various new editions and translated editions of the Omnidoxy emerging, it has become increasingly important to

  • Cometanic edition
  • Post-Cometanic edition
  • Non-Cometanic edition


Main article: Statistics of the Omnidoxy

With the translation of the Omnidoxy and the publication of numerous different editions of the text throughout its history, there have emerged a series of variances in statistics for the Omnidoxy. Namely, these statistics involve the number of the pages in a specific edition, the word count, the insentensation count, and the discourse count.


Main articles: Chronology of the Omnidoxy and History of the Omnidoxy

The history of the Omnidoxy begins when Cometan was seventeen years of age in what is referred to as The Year of Enlightenment during which Cometan began compiling the ideas and revelations he had at that point already received into an organised written form. The original purpose of the Omnidoxy was therefore to organise the pre-omnidoxical ideas that had already emerged.



Main article: Astronism and the Omnidoxy

Astronism and Astronists consider the Omnidoxy to be the undisputed founding text of both Astronism, Astronist philosophy, Astronist culture, cosmic philosophy, Millettic philosophy and culture, as well as the wider Astronic tradition whose founding directly lead to the re-popularisation of astronomical religions.

Within Astronism itself there exists divisions in how the Omnidoxy should be regarded according to the following group types:

Other religions

Main article: Non-Astronist views of the Omnidoxy

Currently, no other religions recognised the Omnidoxy as part of their canon despite the fact that some religious adherents have shown respect and even favourability for the text. Oppositely, despite the fact that some laypeople have demonstrated a skeptical view of the Omnidoxy, no religious organisations have released any official statements regarding their stance on the existence of the text.

Intertextual relations

Main article: Intertextual relations of the Omnidoxy

Various studies have taken place and are currently being undertaken to explore the similarities and differences between the Omnidoxy and other major religious and philosophical texts.


Main article: Omnidoxicology

Omnidoxicology is the systematic and academic study of the Omnidoxy as a whole, particularly involving its role in development of and its relationship to Astronism, the commerciality of the text, its exegesis, textual features, and intertextual relations, specialists in which are called omnidoxicologists.


Disquisitional branches


Main article: Omnimeneutics, Omnidoxical criticism, Omnidoxical exegesis

Omnimeneutics, also known as omnidoxical criticism, is a branch of omnidoxicology that involves the systematic academic exegesis of either all or of some parts of the Omnidoxy with the intention of developing a coherent interpretation of the text.

Official exegeses of the Omnidoxy remained reserved to those with background knowledge to the history of Astronism and the Omnidoxy as well as knowledge of the author, Cometan. In addition, it is preferable that the exegetist holds prior experience in the critical explanation of other religious and philosophical texts of a similar nature and complexity as that of the Omnidoxy.


Main article: Omniotics

Omniotics is a subdiscipline of omnidoxicology principally dealing with the question of the authenticity, historicity and verifiability of both the Omnidoxy itself as a text in addition to its contents and what the claims, beliefs, ideas, and theories that it proposes.


Main article: Preppendology

Preppendology is a branch of omnidoxicology specifically concerned with explaining, interpreting, and generally studying all aspects of the Preppendix of the Omnidoxy rather than other parts of the Omnidoxy. Preppendologists are particularly involved with studying the Astronicon as the major segment of the Preppendix.


Main article: Appendology

Appendology is a branch of omnidoxicology specifically concerned with explaining, interpreting, and generally studying all aspects of the Appendix of the Omnidoxy rather than other parts of the Omnidoxy. Appendologists are particularly involved with studying The Grand Lexicon of Astronology as well as other major segments of the Appendix in contrast to the study of the Twelve Grand Disquisitions or the segments positioned in the Preppendix.

Main aspects

Belief orientations

Listed below are a series of belief orientations of omnidoxicological importance that consider and relate to some aspect of the Omnidoxy:

In-text features


See also

External links

The Omnidoxy on

The Omnidoxy on Goodreads

The Omnidoxy on
