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The Omnidoxy is the primary document within The Grand Centrality that forms the conceptual, orientational, and structural foundations of The Philosophy of Millettism. Partitioned according to twelve disquisitions which are further divided into discourses, themselves entitled by rubrals, The Omnidoxy is codified according to a unique writing structure known as insentence.

The authorship of The Omnidoxy rests with a single individual, the author and philosopher, Brandon Taylorian, mononymously known as Cometan, who began writing The Omnidoxy at the age of seventeen. The Omnidoxy remains the principal founding book of the Millettarian philosophical tradition and was the first text to introduce the concept of cosmocentricity, as well as the introducer of hundreds of belief orientations, schools of thought, and disciplines of study along with thousands of concepts and notions that subsequently formed the basis of The Philosophy of Millettism.

The Omnidoxy (1)

Etymology and meaning

The term "omnidoxy" originates from the founding of The Philosophy of Millettism and combines the prefix "omni-" meaning all, or of all things, and the suffix of "-doxy" which, in a Millettarian terminological context, refers to knowledge imparted through written means.

Combining this prefix and suffix, the term "omnidoxy" is formed and therefore means all knowledge, or knowledge of all things, imparted through a treatise. Essentially, the "omni-" element of the appellation refers to the encompassing nature of the text while the "-doxy" element refers to the text's educative and imparting nature.
