
Michael Hardacre (1562 – August 4, 1624) was the 12th great-grandfather of Cometan, classified as one of Cometan’s distant paternal ancestors in the Hardacre family line. Born in Kildwick in Yorkshire, Michael is the earliest known ancestor of Cometan to bear the name Hardacre, as such he is the earliest direct link via surname to Cometan’s great-grandfather Richard Hardacre. 

Therefore, the Hardacre family line can be traced back to Kildwick in Yorkshire back to the middle of the 16th century. Michael himself is recorded as having married Margaret Wilson (1566 – 1614), whom he outlived by ten years despite the fact that she was four years younger than him. Michael is also recorded as having fathered at least one son named Thomas Hardacre in 1590. 

It is possible that Michael, having lived in Northumberland, might have supported the Northern Uprising against Elizabeth I in 1569. Little else is known of Michael’s life other than that he died when he was the age of sixty-two still in the village of Kildwick in Yorkshire. The identity of his parents remains unknown. 

In Cometanic ancestry, Sarah is categorised as part of the 12th generation retrograde, classifying her as a distant ancestor of Cometan.
