
This is an official definition authorised by the Astronist Institution.

Mesoamerican Layered Universe[]

ˌmɛsəʊəˈmɛrɪk(ə)n ˈleɪəd ˈjuːnɪvəːs[]

noun | Astroanthropology[]

the prevailing cosmological doctrine of several Mesoamerican cultures holding that there existed several layers to the universe, each possessing only one type of celestial phenomena; from the first layer of the Moon, then the clouds, the stars, the Sun, the planet Venus, and so on, until the thirteenth and final layer where the creator-god resides.

Origin and etymology[]

  • Astro-English: from Astronese, the phrase Mesoamerican Layered Universe is likely pre-Cometanic in origin but it was further popularised and systematised by Cometan following its inclusion into the Astronic Tradition as part of Mesoamerican Astronicism. 