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This article is about a non-fiction entity related to the Astronist belief system or the Astronic tradition.
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Institutional recognition · Astronic canonicity · Omnidoxism · Canonicalism · Canonicalisation
Canonical texts
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Astronist canonicity is the central subject of the dispositional discipline of study known as oeuvology which deals with the study of the Canon of Astronism. Astronic canonicity explores the requirements for a text to become classified as part of the Astronist canon as well as dealing with the organisation of the canon into different segments.


In the context of the Astronic canonicity, titularity relates to the requirement of a text to be added to the Canon of Astronism that it hold a unique title to demonstrate its role in relation to Astronism. This title is referred to as the titular and can be identified through its use of the -icon suffix.

Also important is the function of the text which consists of an adjective exclusively used in relation to a particular text. This function is almost always used in preference from the titular as it is more descriptive and clear as to the role of the text.


The classification of the nature of a text in the Astronist canon is of importance due to the different types of texts that find there inclusion into the Canon of Astronism. These different natures include:

  • Receptional –– texts whose creation has emerged as a result of receptions from the astronomical world.
  • Surographic –– texts whose creation has come about through the abilities of surography of its author.
  • Academic –– texts whose authorship rests with an academic or scholar.
# Book Function Nature Era written Period written Titular Role in relation to Astronism
Great Treatises of Astronism
1 Omnidoxy Founding text Surographic, receptional Founding era 2015 – 2019 Protonicon The Omnidoxy holds the function of being the founding book of Astronism and the introducer of many of its beliefs, terms, and philosophical notions.
2 Astrodoxy Central text Celestial mode, receptional Founding era, Establishment era 2020 – present Perinicon The Astrodoxy is poised to function as the rational systematiser of Astronist beliefs and practices as they emerged from the end of the Founding era.
Apocanonical works
3 The Institutional Dictionary of Astronism Authoritative reference work Celestial mode Founding era 2021 The Great Dictionary The First Edition of the Institutional Dictionary provided an extensive overview of Astronism and the Astronic tradition as they existed at the end of the Founding era.

See also[]
